Tuesday, January 26, 2010

sweaty palms, the ten rupee ticket and the demon buses!!

it all started two months ago, my friends. had half a day of college, so happily went to the bust stop and patiently waited for a bus which would take me out of my college and drop me off at the junction called yelahanka, from where getting a direct bus home is not difficult. so i waited on the deforested lane, for the frequent 401 series bus. i turned around and saw this lime soda boy..(dear god, nitin!! get to the point!!)
*snip snap*
i got a call just before stepping on to the bus. i think it was my friend prajwal asking me if nokia five-two-i-don't-remember is better than samsung six-eight-i-don't care. when i told him i don't really know anything about...(there we go again...blah blah..its a disease, you know.)
the point is, we kept talking for a long time after i got into the bus. then all of a sudden i felt a tap on my shoulder and someone said, "ticket"
i replied, " first block rajajinagar, ondu" and handed him ten bucks.
he looks at me all confused and says, " ticket elli?? where is the ticket?"
then it hit me. he was the inspector!!
(giggle..its getting interesting...go on..)
stop interrupting!!
so anyway, i told him honestly that i forgot to buy it as i was on the phone. i later realized i had traveled five stops without buying a ticket!
so i ended up paying the guy seventy precious bucks, which was half the fine amount he demanded.
(so that's why you own a motorola phone! hahaha)
oh shut up!!

this is numero uno... the catalyst...the first small snowball...the lull before the storm...the stalk before the hunt...(zzzzzz...)

the next "happening" was a month later...
i had to be at the radio indigo studio, in koramangala, at eight in the evening. so i leave diligently at five- ample time to compensate for traffic delays-
SNAPSHOT(5:06 pm): im smiling, waving goodbye to my friends...im so happy im going to the studio!!
SNAPSHOT(7:59 pm): im stuck near chinnaswamy stadium in a bus full of people who are calling their respective spouses and friends and saying, " ha ha...inna two hours agotte...it'll take two more hours"
following the advise of my good friend moonlight, i got down and ran six paces till i found an auto (didn't moonlight tell you to run all the way???)
who's telling the story??
i tell the auto guy, like in the movies, take me to st. john hospital road as quickly as possible!!
SNAPSHOT(8:13 pm): im smiling, wiping sweat off the brow. its ok. the appointment is put off till later...i reach for my earphones.
SNAPSHOT(8:16 pm): (reconstruction): a strange man finds a pair of earphones on the last seat of a bus stuck in traffic near chinnaswamy stadium, koramangala bound.

number two.

next one happened in jaipur. five of us, including me, were holidaying there just a few weeks back... we had real fun ( *slap*)
ok ok ...
anyway, when in jaipur, we decided to go see the awesome AMER FORT. the ever-eager tourists that we were, we decided to take the local bus! we got the bus real soon, i mean real soon!! as soon as we got to the stop we got it! (pop the champagne!)
so, thanking our lucky stars, we got in. we told the conductor where we wanted to go and stood amongst the local people.
four stops later, the conductor yelled at us to get down since our stop had arrived.a big mix up happened and only three of us got down. two others were on the bus still, which zoomed away. ten minutes later, they, after getting down at the next stop walked back towards us, all grumbly. so we look around and guess what we saw...

number three.

there are so many more instances...stuck in traffic, clock ticking, running like crazy to catch the last 10:30 bus from shivajinagar to my place, only to realize it stops at majestic, running like crazy again to catch the last bus home from majestic, only to realize it takes a detour six km away from my place...
many many more...
not to mention (again!!) my poor player which got run over by a bus...that was pure evil, folks...i could hear the giggles of gods above.

so, anyway...thanks for reading. ill try avoiding buses from now on...


  1. Interesting..... next you'll be writing about horrible cold train journeys eh?
